Success & Being Purposeful

The other day, I was asked at an event to describe what I do, and/or what Desert Creative Group does in ONE WORD. My mind started racing at the possibilities. I ran through just what I did that week and the projects going on, and the variety was huge. I was working on a social media strategy and defining buyer personas we were targeting, along with a 12 month social media content calendar; I was working on a project pitch for a 360, interactive web experience highlighting the evolving technology used for infrastructure planning, engineering, and IoT; I was working on developing the marketing strategy, fundraising plan, and visual identity to help a nonprofit animal rescue get off the ground; we were about ready to launch a political campaign website; we were just wrapping up the brand strategy & visual identity package for an organic, free-range egg supplier; and last but not least for that week I was also developing a social media campaign for a company focused around their biggest conference of the year.

What do all of those projects have in common?

The underlying theme throughout all of these projects, whether creative, consulting, or marketing services is taking an end goal, and then developing actions and a plan on how to achieve that goal.

“How can I express that in one word?” I thought. And then it came to me.


When it was my turn to get up and introduce myself, Desert Creative Group, and why I chose purposeful — the words came easy.

Businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations hire us to help them achieve something, and in order to achieve that thing we must first define their purpose. WHY are they wanting to do that? WHY do they think that particular project will get them to their goal? Is that the most effective use of their time and resources? Is that project being authentic to their brand, their mission and values, and their audience?

Moving from defining THEIR purpose, we dive in a step deeper, to each action. Each action that you do throughout the day for your business, whether you own it or are part of a team there, MUST have a purpose behind it. If not, you’re wasting your time, your money, your resources, and your engery. Think of it like a checklist: I’m creating a Facebook post. Stop and ask yourself these questions. “Is this Facebook post a stepping stone to help me achieve my goals over the next 6 months? What about the long-term with 3 years? Is this post accurately reflecting my mission and values as a company? Is this Facebook post the best use of my time to help me reach my goal, or are there better things I could be focusing on that would have more of an effect?”

This is what being purposeful looks like and will help you keep on track with your tasks.

This is what I do each and everyday, with every single project that comes in the door.

This isn’t just a good principle for guiding practices throughout your worklife. This is also important to carry through to everyday, personal life as well. Think of all of the time we waste doing things that don’t matter throughout the day. When we get busy, important relationships and self-care often take the back burner while we struggle to keep up with domestic tasks and keeping ourselves alive with food and sleep.

This is where you can stop yourself and run through your checklist. “Is what I’m doing helping me achieve my goals in life? Is what I’m doing providing me health, well-being, and meaning to me? Is this really that important or would I be better off using this time for the things and people that I care about instead?”

If you answered no to any of those, stop what you’re doing and re-evaluate what you could be doing instead to keep you productive, happy, healthy, and living the life of purpose.

Originally posted on Medium