Is Blogging Right For Your Business?

Is Blogging Right For Your Business? What you should know before creative a blog and how to improve the one you currently have. Desert Creative Group

Is Blogging Right For Your Business?

What You Should Know Before Creating A Blog And How To Improve The One You Currently Have

Is blogging right for your business? In short, blogging is one of the best ways to increase your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and boost sales for your business organically.

Small Business Owners, We See You!

Perhaps you’re a small business owner and feel there’s no way your blog could stand out in the sea of large corporations on Google.

Whatever your concerns, we’re here to break down how blogging and content marketing work to target potential customers for your business. We’ll give you all the facts you need to decide if blogging is the missing link in your marketing plan!

Today We’ll Cover:

  • Content Marketing
  • Blogging vs. Social Media for Content Marketing
  • Blogs as Evergreen Content
  • Creating Quality Content
  • SEO-blogging for Small Businesses & Quick tips to boost your SEO

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a style of organic marketing in which you create relatable and reliable content that meets potential buyers where they’re at in their customer journey. 

Through effective content marketing, you can generate leads, increase brand awareness and build trust with your audience to a point where they’re ready to buy!

You can use many platforms for content marketing, including social media, Youtube, Pinterest, and onsite blogging. If you don’t have a huge marketing budget that allows you to engage in all these, it’s essential to figure out which content marketing strategy will give you the most bang for your buck.

Blogging vs. Social Media for Content Marketing

Blog vs Social Media Infographic, Pros and Cons of Social Media and Blog Posts by Desert Creative Group

Blogging is a unique animal in the sea of content marketing options. It’s a rare strategy that allows you to provide your audience with long-form, informative, and applicable content.

Building trust and converting a potential buyer with just one well-written blog is possible.

In comparison, social media feeds short attention spans. It’s hard to hold people’s attention for more than a second as they scroll rapidly and move on to the next post without pausing to learn from your content, apply your expertise and get the results that will have them returning for more.

With social media, you have to post almost constantly to be seen by your target audience, and it’s a long game when it comes to generating leads and making sales.

Blogs As Evergreen Content – Here For A Long Time, Not Just A Good Time

SEO-enhanced blogs with continually relevant subjects drive people to your website for years to come.

Blogs are often more expensive to outsource than social media, but an SEO-driven blog with appropriate and up-to-date information will be worth the investment and can serve your business repeatedly. We can’t say the same about a single Instagram post.

Is Blogging An Effective Strategy For Small Businesses?

So you may be asking, “Is blogging right for my business?”

Through blogging, Google and other search engines become an equal playing field where the best blogs win.

If you’re a small business owner, you might think there’s no way your blog will get noticed. The good news is that you’re wrong! Blogging is a great way to stand out among your competition and show up in your ideal customer’s google searches.

Here are a couple of encouraging stats to prove it:

Websites with blogs have up to 97% more inbound links than sites without blogs. (Hubspot)

Marketers who blog are 13x more likely to achieve a positive ROI. (Hubspot)

If you can nail your SEO and write blogs that speak to your potential client’s pain points, they’ll become a powerful tool for generating sales.

Nobody knows your customers like you do, and demonstrating yourself as an industry expert, providing niche content, and establishing credibility through blogging is an opportunity to get noticed and make an impact!

Creating Blog Posts With Quality Content That Your Audience Will Want To Read

Write for People First and SEO Second

Content marketing is a powerful tool because it’s focused entirely on the customer’s needs and providing value.

Unlike intrusive marketing strategies that throw sleazy sales material in your face, blogs provide informative content that people want to read.

Here’s an example of a blog in action:

You’re considering hiring someone to install a new roof on your house, but you’re unsure what type of roof would suit your geographic location and budget.

Naturally, you hop on your phone and do a quick google search, “Best roofing material for Southern Idaho.”

A blog pops up and discusses everything you need to know about roofing in southern Idaho; it’s chock-full of information you need to make a confident decision and includes a form you can fill out for a free consultation with a local roofing company.

You fill out the form and are on your way to a new roof!

You might not think that a roofing company would have any use for a blog, but here’s a great example of how customer-driven content can make all the difference.

When creating a blog for your business, it’s critical to understand your customer’s pain points and provide them with valuable information. If your readers feel you’re meeting their needs and addressing their concerns, they’ll begin to trust you and your brand as an industry expert.

Quick Tips To Boost Your Blog’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO, or “Search Engine Optimization,” is key in creating searchable content that ranks high on Google. You’ll need to nail a few things to outcompete other content sources.

1) Write High-Quality, Keyword-Rich Content Regularly.

High-quality blogs are relevant, well-written, and provide value to the reader. Make sure to edit for grammatical errors, address real concerns, and utilize reliable sources for your information. Search engines are getting smarter, so you can’t just spam your way to the top.

2) Keywords are still King in 2022

You’ve probably heard the buzz about keywords if you’ve researched SEO. Keywords are searchable words that help search engines like google categorize your content and bring it up whenever it’s relevant.

These days the competition within keyword groups is fierce. To stand out, you’ll want to utilize some SEO tools like Google Ads and Semrush Keyword Research to do your research.

Use keywords and long-tail keyword phrases to boost your SEO and keep your blogs relevant and searchable.

3) Don’t Discount the Metadata!

Metadata is essentially data that describes other data. In blogging, this refers to descriptions that search engine robots (aka algorithms) use to categorize and rank your content.

Metadata includes your image alt text, meta title, and meta description. People will see these when they come across your blog in a Google search. Remember to use keywords, and write something engaging to get the reader to click on your blog!

An example of how Google shows a meta title and a meta description

In this example, the meta title is “What’s the Hype About Guerrilla Marketing” and the meta description is “Guerrilla Marketing is defined as “innovative, unconventional and low-cost marketing techniques aimed at obtaining maximum exposure for a…”


  • Blogging is a powerful way to stand out online and can be used to market for large online businesses and small local businesses alike.
  • Blogs can be influential, in addition, to a solid social media strategy to build trust and boost sales for years to come.
  • Creating quality content that speaks to your unique audience’s pain points is key to creating blogs.
  • Don’t skip SEO! Do your research or outsource to get the most out of your blogs with search engine optimization.

Get in Touch:

We offer customized marketing services that convert. Schedule a free consultation today to learn more about how we can help your business grow through a content marketing strategy that will turn heads and demand clicks.

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