Declutter Your Business with These Five Simple Tips

Spring Cleaning in On! Declutter Your Business With These 5 Simple Tips. By Desert Creative Group.

Spring Cleaning is On! Declutter Your Business with these Simple Tips

It’s that time of year where the sun is shining, and we’re all feeling energized and ready to tackle some projects! As you declutter your home and prepare for the summer ahead, it’s important to take some time to streamline, simplify and declutter your business.

Since quarter 1 has came to an end, you have the perfect opportunity to reflect on your business’s progress so far this year, see what’s working and what’s not, and create a plan of action to stay on track to meet your goals! 

Tip #1: Start with One Area of Focus

Just like you’d clean your home one room at a time, auditing a whole business should be done piece by piece. Here are some different areas of focus that you’ll want to review as you spring clean your business. 

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Operations
  • Finance

Once you know the different areas of your business that you’ll need to go through, you can start to create a list of things that seem to be working to move your business forward, and another list of the things that might need to be changed. 

Tip #2: Utilize Metrics and Data to Help Make Decisions

As a business owner, you’re likely investing in marketing, employees, materials, and subscriptions among other things. If you’re not utilizing data and some basic statistics to review the effectiveness of your investments, then you’re wasting or leaving money on the table. 

For example, if you’re spending money on targeted ads for social media, you’ll want to review the performance of your ads, and utilize that information to help make your marketing even better as you move into the next quarter. 

As for those subscriptions… the end of the first quarter is a great time to see if you’re actually utilizing all of those subscriptions you’ve signed up for and if they’re helping your business. If the answer is no, unsubscribe and save some money! 

Tip #3: Set Milestones for More Complex Issues

Some of the issues that you’ll come across will have a quick and easy fix like unsubscribing from a program, others may take some time to work on.

For more complex areas, like targeted marketing and revenue goals, you’ll want to set some milestones to track your progress. 

For example, you may want to increase your monthly revenue by a certain amount per month for a given product or service. Once the clear goal is set, you can take some time each month, or at the end of each quarter to see how close you are to reaching your goal. 

Tip #4: Milestones are Met Through Action!

You can set as many milestones for your business as you like, but at the end of the day, it requires a solid plan of action to meet your goals. You, along with your team, will need to show up consistently to work toward a common goal. 

Once you go through the work of examining your business and decluttering where you can, it’s time to create a plan of action. We challenge you to set two clear milestones to work toward over the next few months! 

Here’s a few examples of Milestones! 

  • Double or triple the number of incoming leads per month. 
  • Increase traffic to your website by 20% per month. 
  • Increase social media engagement by 5%.

Tip #5: Don’t Underestimate the Power of a New Perspective

Sometimes it’s hard to see the best way to tackle the messes or potential growth within your business because you’re too close to have a clear perspective. Bringing in a professional to help you declutter your business can be a great way to gain clarity, and effectively set and achieve goals. Whether you hire a financial advisor, or invest in a marketing audit you might be surprised just how much you can learn about your business with a fresh perspective!

Let Us Help You Declutter Your Business!

Still Not sure where to begin? 

That’s okay!

We’d love to help you spring clean your business! Set up a free consultation with Desert Creative Group and one of our consultants can help you go through this process from start to finish so you can keep your business on track! 

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